Traditional incentives fail to impress Generation Y Mavericks

Released on: August 26, 2008, 7:18 am

Press Release Author: Media Jems

Industry: Human Resources

Press Release Summary: Businesses are heading towards a shortage of talented
successors as current managers resist the emerging new work culture of Generation Y,
according to a newly released whitepaper from leadership development consultancy
Dynamic Transitions. "Generation Y expect more from a company than just a salary and
are looking for community and a company that shares their principles and respects
their individuality. As a result, traditional incentives are holding little interest
for them", says Dynamic Transitions MD Judith Germain.

Press Release Body: The whitepaper entitled 'The Generation Game: How to manage a
new generation of Mavericks' argues that managers should be encouraging more
extroverts and those with maverick tendencies into the workforce, something which is
counter intuitive to most managers and suggests that it this reluctance that is
causing companies to struggle to recruit and retain talented Generation Y Mavericks.

It also indentifies that Generation X individuals are much more willing and find it
acceptable to work longer hours to get ahead in the company, whereas the new
Generation Y employees do not accept that they need to be at work for 14 hours to
succeed or be promoted.

"There is a distinct clash of culture between the X & Y generations. At the moment
'Y' are generally 'the workforce', with 'X' being 'the managers'. Managers,
especially 'Baby Boomers' think employees should do long hours at work and put the
needs of the business above all else. Generation Y employees believe that their work
can be done without spending hours at work and at a time that is convenient to
them", explains Germain.

"Generation Y are used to digital technology like Playstations, Ipods etc that
allows them to multi task. This leads them to believe that it's essential to do many
things at once to complete tasks. For example Generation Y employees cannot
understand why they can't sit at their desk listening to their Ipod whilst they
work. To attempt to do this will lead to disciplinary action by the typical Baby
Boomer or Generation X manager" adds Germain.

"Mavericks are something to be encouraged not something to be stopped in terms of
the work they are doing. The way you work with mavericks has to be challenging and
give them the freedom they need to carry out their role effectively. Whilst the new
generation of Maverick has slightly different expectations and skills, they still
need to be managed carefully to ensure their energies are channelled to make a
positive contribution to the organisation", adds Germain.

Dynamic Transitions is a leadership company specialising in working with Troublesome
Talent � and improving leadership performance within organisations. The full version
of the whitepaper can be downloaded from

Web Site:

Contact Details: Media Jems
25 Bank Plain
Norwich Norfolk
+44 (0)1603 283503

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